
My background in anthropology means that I take a human-centred approach to anything I do: to understand a problem and help create an effective solution, we must understand the people experiencing it.

I leverage a strong qualitative research background and design thinking to understand & address complex problems in user experience and service design. Ultimately, I care about creating things that improve people’s lives in some way.

Some of the research methods I have used include user interviews, usability tests, ethnography/observation, co-creation workshops, and surveys.

I have done research related to SaaS; health care & health tech; organizational practices; medical education; tech education; social innovation; and equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Cartoon woman speaking on the phone.

In my free time, I’m:

Want to learn more?

If you’d like to know more about the kind of research I’ve done, how I’ve done it, the impact it’s had, and the lessons I’ve learned, take a look at my case studies.

If you’d like a more detailed overview of my experience & education, check out my resume.

If you’d like to work with me, send me a message.